Thursday, August 5, 2010

Dream Analysis - How Are Dreams Interpreted?

Dream Analysis - How Are Dreams Interpreted?

Many people wonder how dreams can be interpreted. They think that dreams are confused images that can have many different meanings, depending on the dreamer who sees them in a dream. This concept it totally wrong. It was generated by false dream interpreters who never tried to discover the hidden code of the dream language.
Only Carl Jung could decipher this code and translate dream symbols into comprehensible words.
He saw that each time that the same dream symbol appears in a dream, it is showing exactly the same things to all dreamers. He concluded that the unconscious mind that produces our dreams created the dream language based on the repetition of images. These images are symbols, and they give us specific information.
In other words, each time a dreamer sees a certain dream symbol in a dream, this symbol has for him or her the same meaning it has for all the other dreamers who may see it in their dreams.
However, the effect that each dream symbol will have for each dreamer depends on his or her personality, and personal life.
Jung looked for the similarities within the symbolism in many dreams from different people.
He also found the same dream symbolism reflected in the art and religion of different civilizations. He studied the meaning that the symbols had for them and how it related back to dream symbolism. Lastly, he had to analyze the meaning of the symbolism contained in alchemy, and compare everything he had observed, until he could finally discover the hidden meaning of dreams.
I proved that he was right thanks to recent scientific discoveries in many different fields which confirmed the importance of the dream messages. I continued his research by following his method, and discovering more.
Later I simplified Jung's complex and obscure method of dream interpretation, transforming it into an instant and clear method of dream translation from images into words.
Today everything is very well explained for you.
The dream language is simply a language made from images instead of words. When you replace the dream images with words that define their meaning, you understand the unconscious messages contained in the dream images. You can then have a direct communication with the wise unconscious mind.
The unconscious mind sends you protective messages in dreams, so that you may avoid falling into the traps set by the wild side of your conscience. It also helps you evolve as a human being.
All dream images are important. They all contain precious messages that help you overcome all mental illnesses, transform your personality, and solve any kind of problem.
You only have to learn the symbolic meaning of each dream image in order to understand the dream language. You'll verify that when you translate the meaning of all the dream symbols that appear in a dream, and you relate this meaning to your personal life, you are guided by the unconscious wisdom.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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