Friday, October 1, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Meaning of Dreams and the Origin of the Symbolic Dream Language

The Meaning of Dreams and the Origin of the Symbolic Dream Language

The universal dream language can be understood by all human beings, independently of the language they speak in their country. It is made with images and scenes that represent the same things to the people of all countries who belong to different civilizations and historical times.
You have to indispensably study it, the same way you study any foreign language. This is how you will be able to understand the wise unconscious messages in your dreams without distorting their real meaning.
The origin of the symbolic language is related to the existence of the anti-conscience, the wild side of our conscience. The unconscious mind that produces our dreams must send us secret messages that the anti-conscience cannot understand, otherwise we wouldn't have any protection against its attacks.
The anti-conscience is a true demon, formed due to the disorganized development of the first live conscience. It provokes mental illnesses within our human conscience. Its intention is to control our behavior. The unconscious mind that works like our natural doctor and protector send us secret symbolic messages showing us the way in which the anti-conscience is influencing our behavior.
We cannot understand these messages, but we are able to study the dream symbolism and learn the dream language. Then, all dream images start making sense by helping us with the guidance they contain. Another reason why the unconscious mind is obliged to use the symbolic language in dreams is the existence of our ego. The ego is absurd. It is selfish and demanding. It cannot accept criticism. It is easily feeling offended. It doesn't let us accept recognizing our mistakes by preventing us from seeing the truth.
Therefore, the unconscious mind has to surpass the anger provoked by our ego when it reflects our mistakes in dreams. We have to understand that we are doing what is bad for us, without feeling revolted for learning this truth. Only if we recognize that we are wrong, can we do what will be positive, instead of making mistakes.
The symbolic language created by the unconscious mind is a different way of approaching our ignorant but proud human conscience. It is an attempt to conquer its admiration, so that we may accept the wise unconscious criticism without feeling offended.
Once we learn the dream language we are able to understand the symbolism contained in our daily reality the same way we understand the meaning of dreams. We will have more information about many things. This information is very important, especially when we are facing dangerous situations.
Another reason why the unconscious mind uses the symbolic dream language, instead of using many words and long explanations, is the fact that the communication through images is faster. One single image already means a whole story. A single dream symbol explains many things at the same time while protecting us from many dangers.
You should learn the dream language with my method of instant dream translation, which is a simplification of the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, so that you may easily understand the unconscious messages. Besides being always protected, you'll become wiser and learn the real meaning of life. Your spiritual evolution will complete the transformation of your personality, giving you superior knowledge and sensitivity.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.comClick Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Monday, September 27, 2010

Dream Analysis - Dream Interpretation and the Transformation of Your Personality

What Do Dreams Mean? Dream Interpretation and the Transformation of Your Personality

The meaning of dreams was discovered by the psychiatrist Carl Jung, after conducting very arduous research. All dreams have a therapeutic function and are produced by the unconscious mind. The unconscious mind organizes the functionality of our body and sends us protective dream messages in a symbolic form.
We need protection because the biggest part of our brain is absurd. It belongs to the wild side of our conscience, which lives in a primitive condition and keeps trying to control our behavior.
In order to understand exactly what each dream means, you have to translate all dream images into words. You can easily do so, since I continued Jung's research, simplifying his method of dream interpretation. I found answers for all the questions that he could not answer, and now everything is very clear for you.
The meaning of all dreams is always related to the fight between the anti-conscience, your wild conscience, and the human side of your conscience, which is the only one that you know. The anti-conscience wants to destroy your human conscience and completely control your behavior, while your human side tries to survive and evolve.
Fortunately you have the help of the wise unconscious mind that sends you precious messages in your own dreams to protect your human side with its guidance and warnings.
When you learn the meaning of the most important dream symbols and the dream logic, you start understanding the unconscious language. All dreams aim to help you transform your personality.
For example, you have a dream in which you are driving a black car, but suddenly you discover that you don't have enough gas. You manage to arrive at the gas station, but then you notice that you lost your wallet and you cannot pay for the gas.
If you know the dream language, the translation of this simple dream is quite obvious.
Driving a car = driving your life
Black color = accepting what is bad
Gas = motivation
Wallet = faith
Putting everything together:
You are accepting what is bad in your life (in other words, being influenced by the anti-conscience), but you have no motivation to continue on this route. You try to find motivation to continue living, but you have lost your faith.
You must change your attitude. The unconscious mind is showing you that you have to change your behavior and the way you live if you want to feel better and evolve.
Your next dreams will show you how to attain your goals.
First, the unconscious mind will present you with your problems, reflecting your behavior in dream scenes, so that you may be aware of what is happening to you. Then it helps you find all the solutions you need.
Study a little about the dream language with my dynamic method of dream translation, and you'll have this knowledge to help you forever.
You will always know what all dreams mean. Thus, becoming a professional dream translator like me.
This knowledge will help you completely transform your personality, predict the future, and prevent diseases and accidents. You will be able to change the future development of reality according to what will be good for you, while preparing the positive results you desire.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Advantages of Dream Interpretation - A Scientific Analysis

Can Your Dreams Help You? The Advantages of Dream Interpretation - A Scientific Analysis

Your dreams can help you very much in all ways. The unconscious mind that produces them works like a natural doctor and teacher that gives you precious information in dream messages.
You should simply learn how to accurately translate the meaning of all dream images and scenes according to my method of dream translation, derived from the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung.
You'll verify for yourself that the unconscious mind is even wiser than what Jung had concluded with the knowledge he had. The advantages you'll have for knowing how to translate the meaning of your dreams are endless. They were already scientifically proven for their practical use. They have provided successful psychotherapy for many seemingly impossible cases as well as the achievement of many other miracles.
Your dreams will show you what is happening in your internal world, in the outside world, and with the people around you. You'll also learn what will happen in the future. You will be able to correct your mistakes and prepare the successful future results you desire. Dream predictions and warnings will always protect you and help you achieve all your goals.
Another advantage of knowing how to translate the meaning of dreams is the development of your intelligence and the mind power given to you when you acquire complete consciousness. You will become a real genius if you keep following the unconscious guidance in your dreams after solving your basic problems.
Dreams have many dimensions and give you information about many different aspects of existence. They also penetrate into the mystery of death.
Nothing is as bitter as the death of a young person. You will learn how to prevent your premature death, and how to prevent the premature death of your children. This is a valuable advantage that only the superior unconscious wisdom can give you.
You will also learn how to prevent accidents, physical diseases, and mental illnesses. You will be very grateful for having access to this uncommon knowledge.
There are even more advantages on knowing how to interpret the meaning of dreams, which are related to your relationships.
The unconscious mind gives you very clear information about the person you love; showing you everything about his or her personality and life.
Dreams concerning your love relationship are so clear that you can understand them by learning how to interpret a few dream symbols, without having to study the complete repertoire of the dream language.
The unconscious mind is very generous and answers all your questions.
You only have to give importance to your dreams, keep a dream journal and translate your dreams according to the scientific method. You'll have this tool helping you entirely free of charge for the rest of your life. You will not have to go anywhere, or depend on anyone for this superior wisdom.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Importance of Dream Interpretation

Behavioral Health and the Consequences of Indifference - The Importance of Dream Interpretation

Your dreams are very important. They can save your life, help you fight against all mental illnesses and physical diseases, and give you extraordinary mind power.
This happens because dream interpretation according to the scientific method is a process that guarantees your behavioral health. At the same time it transforms your personality and increases your intelligence.
This means that you learn how to continually act wisely, without making common mistakes, and without ever losing control.
The process of mind development you pass through when you translate the meaning of your dreams and you understand the unconscious messages, helps you become wiser. You not only learn many things for acquiring real knowledge; you develop your sensitivity, thus becoming more human.
The mindset of many people in our materialistic and atheistic civilization completely despises the value of sensitivity, considering indifference as if it was a normal reaction.
The behavior of most people in our world is characterized by:
- Indifference to human pain,
- Indifference to what happens with other people,
- Indifference on preserving the nature of our polluted planet.
However, this indifference is not healthy. When it appears in an individual's behavior it indicates lack of balance and sensibility; indicating total absence of the capacity to sense and feel the objective reality.
The consequences of indifference are many:
- You live isolated, without any direct contact with the people who belong to your environment.
- You cannot control your behavior or understand when you are provoking pain onto others. The pain you provoke doesn't hurt you, since you are insensitive. This means that you'll tend to be absurd and cruel, without understanding what you are doing.
- You cannot feel real pleasure since your sensitivity is not working. You cannot evaluate the simple pleasures of existence. Everything seems to be empty in your life. You tend to live you life always being dissatisfied, and constantly looking for what is missing.
- You are indifferent to everything. You simply accept bad relationships and suffocating situations without caring about examining what is happening to you, or about changing what is upsetting you.
Through dream therapy you'll learn how to pay attention to all the components of the external reality. You'll also learn how to develop all your psychological functions, becoming as sensitive as sensible.
This means that you'll be balanced and always satisfied with yourself and with the life you lead.
Your wise attitude will protect you from making mistakes and facing bad consequences. You will be respected and admired by everyone because you'll never hurt anyone's feelings. Thus, everyone will feel grateful for having you as their friend.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Dream Analysis - Psychotherapy Based on Scientific Dream Analysis

Depression Self-Help - Psychotherapy Based on Scientific Dream Analysis

You can easily help yourself when you are depressed by paying attention to your dreams and writing them down. Then, you should translate them according to the scientific method. This very simply practice will put you into contact with the wise unconscious mind. You'll verify that the unconscious mind produces your dreams in order to protect you and help you evolve. You will feel secure in knowing you have its guidance. Depression and neurosis are easily cured through dream translation, as the dreamer follows the unconscious guidance in the dream messages.
This is the shortest and easiest depression treatment you could find, and its positive results are guaranteed. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams knows everything about you and your life, and can show you how to solve all your problems. If you are depressed it is because your psyche needs treatment, and at the same time, because you have many problems in life. The unconscious mind will help you eliminate your psychological fears and traumas, while helping you solve your daily problems.
You only need to pay attention to the dreams you see when you sleep; they provide you free psychotherapy everyday. This psychotherapy is based on your scientific analysis of the content of your dreams. It works like self-help. You follow the unconscious guidance alone; without depending on a psychotherapist. The unconscious mind is already the best doctor you could ever find. It speaks through images, sending you important warnings, and showing you how to overcome your depression.
For example, you may see your mother in a dream. This single image is already giving you precious information; you are being influenced by the anti-conscience, the wild side of your conscience. You must be careful. Your human conscience must control your behavior, and not your violent wild side.
In the following dream you may see a few bees. They are giving you information too. Bees represent anger. They remind you that you must control your anger and always remain calm. Otherwise, while you are angry you are going to do things that you'll regret having done. Later, you'll have to deal with the consequences of your mistakes. Your dreams guide you all the time. Study the dream language for a while with my method of dream translation, and learn how to immediately understand the unconscious messages.
I simplified the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung, proving that he was right. I also discovered a lot more. This means that you have the work and the psychotherapies of two generations of researchers guaranteeing you the success of dream therapy. Everyone is helped, and everyone finds mental health and happiness thanks to the unconscious guidance.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Unconscious Wisdom and Guidance

Dreams and the Meaning of the Mysterious Dream Language - The Unconscious Wisdom and Guidance

All dreams have meaning. The impression that they are composed by disorganized images is the result of our ignorance. Some people believe that dreams simply reflect their fears. Even when they give importance to the meaning of their dreams, they don't think that they could be so important. However, the truth is that all dreams are as important as our daily lives because they contain precious messages with guidance, information, warnings or predictions that save our lives.
You will be able to decipher all dream messages when you learn the dream language. You will verify how wise the unconscious mind is, and how much it helps you avoid all kinds of problems.
The symbolic dream language will show you that you must concentrate your attention on all the points of the objective reality that you tend to despise, because:
- There are many reasons for the formation of a problem,
- There are many revealing details in the external reality which give you many answers,
- You need to be connected to the objective reality instead of living lost in your own fantasies.
The symbolic dream language tries also to activate your atrophied psychological functions, making you pay attention to the psychological functions that you have been avoiding for so long.
If you belong to a psychological type based on feelings, you won't be able to think logically. So, the unconscious mind has to show you that you have to use your capacity to think logically, even though you tend to avoid entering in the rational zone.
The symbolism used by the unconscious mind in dream messages shows you things that you don't see, and help you use capacities that lay dormant in your psyche. This is why dreams are very meaningful, intriguing, and provoke your curiosity.
This symbolism must captivate the attention of your human conscience and transport it to another level of knowledge.
Dreams have a mysterious aspect that invites you to care about learning how to decipher the symbols that the unconscious mind uses to speak to your conscience.
In a few words, the mysterious dream language has many forms and dimensions because:
- It connects you to the wisdom of a superior mind, showing you things that your limited mind cannot absorb alone.
- It helps you develop both your intelligence and sensitivity at the same time.
- It gives you practical solutions.
- It enlightens your philosophical views.
- It purifies your spirit.
- It transforms your personality.
What is both exciting and wonderful is that you only need to study a little about the meaning of the most important dream symbols and the dream logic, so that you may reap all the benefits you can have for being guided by the extraordinary unconscious wisdom.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Monday, September 6, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Meaning of Dreams and Your Third Eye - False Impressions and Real Facts

The Meaning of Dreams and Your Third Eye - False Impressions and Real Facts

The meaning of dreams can be accurately translated thanks to the scientific method of dream interpretation, providing you with a third eye. You'll verify that the unconscious mind that produces your dreams shows you what is real and what is false.
It sends you protective warnings and many lessons in a symbolic form. This way it helps you control your behavior and evolve.
Once you learn the dream language your powerful third eye will help you see the future and understand the workings of the human mind, meaning that you will be able to almost read other people's thoughts.
You will be protected from all the dangers that come from your wild side, or from the outside world. There are many dangers in the environment where you live. Too many hidden enemies could steal your possessions, or ruin your reputation. You are exposed to infinite traps, without any notion of how many dangers are threatening you all the time.
The unconscious mind will show you real facts, completely opening your eyes.
Everyone only wants to think about their own lives, and the matters that interest them. The unconscious mind will show you the importance of everything that you despise.
You must pay attention to what is bad, instead of being indifferent to its poisonous effect, or being mislead by illusions.
You must not accept sad situations with apathy, but care about finding authentic happiness.
The unconscious mind will guide you, increasing your intelligence and sensitivity.
Through dream interpretation you will be able to see what exists behind the "persona" of everyone. According to Carl Jung, the persona is an archetype that defines the social mask used by the human being in all social meetings.
The persona is your mask of happiness even when you meet someone you dislike, your mask of innocence even when you are guilty; it is your plastic face, which hides your real feelings, thoughts and intentions.
The unconscious mind will reveal who you really are, beyond your persona. Your false impressions about yourself will give place to real knowledge. This means that your ego will stop being an idol for you; you'll learn how to be humble and wise.
Not only will you be able to analyze your own behavior, you will be able to analyze the actions of others because the unconscious mind gives you information about them in your dreams. You will be able to analyze other people's dreams when they tell you about them as well.
Thanks to your third eye, you will clearly discern everyone's real personality behind their social mask and know very well who they really are. This is ultimate knowledge and power given to you as a gift thanks to the wisdom of the unconscious mind.
You only have to study the symbolic dream language with my simplification of the method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung.
I have perfected it in such a way that the whole process became very simple. Everyone immediately learns how to translate the meaning of dreams and how to follow the unconscious guidance.
It took me 19 years to simplify a complicated method that only intellectuals were once able to follow. Thanks to my extensive work translating thousands of dreams for many desperate people who had many different problems and suffered from various mental illnesses, you now can immediately find the solutions you need. My simple method is fast, clear, and made for everyone.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Meaning of Dreams and Your Privileges For Knowing the Dream Language

The Meaning of Dreams and Your Privileges For Knowing the Dream Language

The scientific method of dream interpretation gives you real privileges, because the things you'll discover for knowing the meaning of the mysterious dream language are things that nobody else knows, and that you would never be able to learn otherwise.
The dream language is made by images instead of words. These images reflect common places, known people, and various past situations of our lives; they don't show us things that we have never seen before.
This is why some people tend to believe that we can understand their meaning by ourselves, especially when the dream images are about familiar things to us.
However, the attempt to interpret the meaning of dreams without having studied the dream language according to the scientific method is absurd. Just like we cannot understand the meaning of a foreign language simply because it uses a familiar alphabet, we cannot interpret the meaning of dreams only based on our opinion.
If we want to understand the dream language, we have to learn the dream logic. Without studying it, and without learning the meaning of the dream symbols, we cannot successfully interpret dreams.
The real meaning of dreams was discovered by Carl Jung. While using his method of dream interpretation, I continued his research and discovered a lot more. I confirmed his discoveries in my work by using recent scientific discoveries in various fields that complete his pioneer research in dream analysis.
Later I simplified this complicated method. I discovered the origin of all the absurdity existent in the human mind. I furthered discovered the true divinity of the unconscious mind that produces our dreams.
Today you can immediately learn what took a century to be discovered, and immediately reap all the privileges that this knowledge can give you.
You'll be able to predict the future and prepare its development according to your plans; you'll acquire perfect mental and physical health, having infinite advantages.
Because you'll have access to a superior font of information, you'll be able to analyze other people's psyche as if you were invisible and you could penetrate their minds.
You will have information about the personality, the past, and the present life of the person you love. The unconscious mind is very generous, and gives you detailed explanations concerning your relationship.
You will be able to decipher any mystery. This means that you will be able to solve problems that seemed impossible to be solved, cure diseases that had no cure, understand what nobody else can understand, discover hidden thieves, relocate disappeared objects, and have a million other advantages.
The unconscious mind is the most perfect doctor you could ever find. It can cure all diseases and mental illnesses. You only have to precisely follow its guidance in order to attain the positive results you desire, even when everything is discouraging and everyone else before you has failed.
The unconscious mind knows everything. There is no mystery that it cannot decipher or explain to you.
It is only because you will have access to the unconscious wisdom provided through dreams, that you will have superior power and many privileges in all life situations.
This means that you will never fail, even when you'll have life's obstacles in your way.
Your life won't be empty but meaningful; your actions won't be absurd, but reflect your balance; and your words won't be hypocritical, but always sincere, wise and comforting.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dream Analysis - Live Teacher in Your Own Dreams

Dream and Learn While Sleeping - Live Teacher in Your Own Dreams

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams is your natural doctor and teacher. Once you learn the dream language and you start understanding the wise unconscious messages contained in the dream symbols, you become more intelligent.
This means that you learn while you sleep. The unconscious mind gives you information and many lessons about your psychological world and your behavior in dreams. It gives you also information about the outside world and your relationships.
You will pass through a process of mind development and psychotherapy, which has also the effect of spiritual evolution.
You stop being a violent animal, to become a wise and sensitive human being who never makes mistakes.
The unconscious mind works like both a live teacher and a solutions manual, which gives you many lessons, and shows you many different options. It doesn't give you ready-made solutions, but it helps you understand how to find all the solutions you need, without depending on its answers.
The unconscious guidance shows you all the possibilities you have at your disposal making it easier for you to know which is the right route to take. Then you continue looking for ways to achieve your goals by yourself.
You see dreams indicating progress when you are right, or dream warnings alarming you when you make mistakes.
This is how your own intelligence is developed. If you had ready answers, you would become dull and totally dependent on the unconscious mind for everything.
The unconscious mind is a real teacher who answers all our questions in dreams like a human. Since it possesses endless wisdom, it is also like an endless solutions manual that you can always consult. It helps you solve all problems, no matter if they seem to be impossible to ever be solved, or if they are quite simple.
The unconscious mind gives you lessons and vision. The various dream images show you all the available solutions for your problem just as if you were using a textbook or online manual. Then your unconscious teacher lets you look for all the possible solutions, observing your movements. It lets you try many different possibilities, and it lets you make mistakes, because you will learn from them.
However, it doesn't let you lose your purpose and forget what you are doing, and it doesn't let you waste time looking in the wrong direction. It also protects you from many dangers, guaranteeing your safety while you are studying.
When you have learned all your lessons and you know how to solve certain problem, it helps you perfect the solutions you have found.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Truth About the Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Dreams

The Truth About the Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Dreams

Even though the meaning of dreams has been trivialized by many people and is still doubted today, the truth is that our dreams contain very important messages sent by the unconscious mind. The psychiatrist Carl Jung discovered the only method of dream interpretation that accurately translates the messages of the unconscious mind without distorting them.
However, his work is too complicated and quite vague in many areas.
I was a young literature writer depressed and neurotic when I started looking for help by reading many books from many different psychologists. I cared about the meaning of dreams because I had seen many strange and vivid dreams that had impressed me very much.
I could understand the dream language much better than Jung, discovering the meaning of many dream symbols that he didn't explain. The unconscious mind then indicated to me that I should continue the research he had abandoned.
I discovered that there is too much craziness in the biggest part of the human psyche. The primitive and wild side of our conscience occupies the biggest part of our brain.
By following the unconscious guidance I was cured from a serious neurosis that could easily be turned into schizophrenia. Then I helped many other people through dream therapy for 19 years. This practice helped me very clearly understand not only the meaning of dreams, but also the meaning of life.
The truth is that we have to indispensably transform the wild, violent and immoral side of our wild conscience into a positive part of our human side.
Here is a list with my basic conclusions:
- Everyone will have a life where the situations and the people around them will provoke them into making the mistakes that their psychological type usually makes. In order to be saved from craziness, they have to avoid making these mistakes.
- Everyone pays for the mistakes they make sometime in the future. Some sinners will suffer very much because of their barbarous sins only many years later. This means that whether now or later, we all pay for our sins.
- Each time that someone is in the position of a victim, this happens because they are evil. In other words, the wild side of their conscience is too strong in their psyche. While they are living in the position of victim, they seem to be good and kind. However, if they find their freedom somehow, their wickedness becomes visible.
- Almost nobody escapes from the sad destiny traced by their psychological type, because they don't resist the various temptations of life, and they don't respect other human beings.
If you want to avoid falling in the same traps, you must learn how to translate the meaning of your dreams and precisely follow the unconscious guidance like I have done.
I didn't fall into the worst trap of destiny because I completely obeyed the unconscious mind, even against my will. I understood that I was ignorant and absurd, while the unconscious mind was the voice of divine providence.
I knew that I would always be nervous and unsatisfied like my father, who was schizophrenic; I would be hated by everyone like him, and I would never find peace if I did not change my life and follow the wisdom of the unconscious mind.
However, because I followed the unconscious wisdom, I said "no" to the most appealing temptation of my life, I respected everyone around me, and I purified my spirit by curing many desperate people entirely free of charge.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Friday, August 20, 2010

Dream Analysis - Avoid What is Bad and Get Prepared For Changes

Predictions in a Dream - Avoid What is Bad and Get Prepared For Changes

Future predictions in a dream will impress you, especially when you see what you had predicted happening before your eyes.
These predictions have a protective character. They help you get prepared to face difficulties or dangers.
They can also have a very positive meaning. When you see a beautiful bird in a dream for example, this means that you will have very good news, which is usually related to a special person in your life.
This prediction is preparing you to have the right attitude. You must pay attention to the importance of what is happening to your life. It is showing you that something different is going to change your routine, or that someone will become very important for you.
You may predict that something unexpected will happen in case you follow through with your current plans. This way you have the chance to change your plans, avoiding problems and conflicts.
Future predictions in a dream give you real information, which you can trust without fear. The unconscious mind that produces your dreams shows you the future development of reality in order to protect your mental health and your life.
Of course, you have to learn the dream language in order to understand all unconscious messages. This is a very simple matter today, thanks to my arduous research and extensive work translating thousands of dreams. I transformed the scientific method of dream interpretation discovered by Carl Jung into a method of instant translation from images into words.
You only need to study the meaning of the dream symbols once, to have this knowledge for your entire life.
The unconscious mind is a permanent psychotherapist that sends you important messages containing crucial information for the preservation of your mental health and happiness. This is free and safe psychotherapy. It helps you develop your intelligence and become more sensitive. It also cures all mental illnesses, giving you mental health that lasts forever.
Predictions in many dreams will always help you prevent many difficult situations in life, and get you prepared for big changes. The more you care about the meaning of dreams, the more predictions you'll see.
The unconscious mind calculates the future development of reality based on its knowledge.
The unconscious mind knows everything, while you are ignorant, and your conscience is under-developed. This means that the possibility to be in contact with the unconscious wisdom through dreaming is a real privilege that gives you many advantages in life.
You learn what will happen beforehand, being always prepared to give your best answer to all challenges. Therefore, you are never surprised by sudden bad events, without having the chance to defend yourself.
You can avoid accidents and prevent diseases, because you are constantly protected and guided.
The future predictions you'll see in a single dream are only part of a series of dreams that help you develop your intelligence and evolve.
Keep a dream journal and a diary, relating your dreams to your daily life. Immediately translate the meaning of all dreams according to the scientific method, and analyze your dream collection.
You'll see the future development of your life reflected in the dream images, verifying into practice the power of this knowledge.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dream Analysis - How to Interpret the Meaning of Dreams and Acquire Complete Consciousness

How to Interpret the Meaning of Dreams and Acquire Complete Consciousness

All dream images contain very important messages. When you learn how to instantly translate the meaning of your dreams you'll verify that the dream symbols explain many things at the same time.
Your first dreams will be about fights and prosecutions from aliens that will try to capture you. These dream scenes represent the fight between the wild side of your conscience (anti-conscience) and the human side of your conscience, which is the only one you can see.
Your primitive and wild conscience is not a fossil. It didn't evolve like your human side but it is still active inside you. Even though it is an animal, it can think and interfere with your thoughts. However, its rationalisation is absurd and leads you to despair.
You have to prevent the destruction of your human conscience and eliminate the dangerous anti-conscience by transforming it into a positive component of your human side. This can be done through dream interpretation.
In case you are mentally ill because the anti-conscience already managed to destroy a big portion of your human conscience, you'll learn how to fight against all mental illnesses.
While you interpret the meaning of your dreams, you acquire more consciousness, finding support in the wise unconscious guidance. The unknown parts of your psyche, which belong to your wild side, become known and controlled by your human conscience. All your misconceptions and fears are eliminated.
Each time you'll see yourself in a house in a dream, discovering rooms that you didn't know existed, you'll know that you are discovering parts of your own personality that you were not aware of. These parts remain in a primitive condition; they still belong to your wild side.
You may discover that you belong to a psychological type based on feelings, and that your rationalism remains in a primitive condition. This means that you won't be able to discern the essential points when you analyze a problem, and you won't know how to make logical conclusions and find real solutions.
The unconscious mind will correct your attitude, showing you how to activate your rational mind, so that it may help you solve all problems.
In case you belong to a rational psychological type, the unconscious mind will show you how to become sensitive. You will learn how to use all your capacities, and not only the ones you are using now since your human conscience is still under-developed.
You will acquire complete consciousness as each component of your personality will be examined and controlled by your human side.
Dream interpretation is a gradual learning process that enables you to assess your present level of psychological functioning and then attain higher levels of knowledge needed for good mental health.
You will be able to predict the entire development of your life until you attain a certain evolutionary level, knowing beforehand all the stages of the process you'll pass through. This knowledge will help you act with wisdom in all circumstances and successfully overcome all obstacles. This means that nothing will prevent you from achieving your goals and living happily.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

Monday, August 16, 2010

Dream Analysis - Daily Information, Warnings and Predictions in Your Own Dreams

Daily Information, Warnings and Predictions in Your Own Dreams - Verify the Truth For Yourself

Your own dreams give you fresh information about the external reality and about many other things everyday.
The unconscious mind that produces your dreams explains to you the way that our world functions. You understand what determines your behavior and how you can control it, which will positively transform your personality. You learn infinite things by translating the meaning of your own dreams.
Today, the scientific method of dream interpretation is a simple method of instant translation from images into words. You will verify for yourself how accurate the scientific translations are as you discover bright solutions to your problems thanks to the unconscious guidance in your dreams.
Once you learn the dream language and discover the power and the privileges that this knowledge gives you in all situations of your life, dream interpretation will become more important than learning the daily news on TV. You'll translate all dreams with curiosity and excitement, feeling very grateful for having this source of information.
The unconscious mind keeps informing you what is happening in the outside world and what you have to do in order to overcome your psychological problems and evolve.
You will learn many things that never appear in the daily news, because they are hidden truths.
You will learn what will happen in the future, so that you may correct your mistakes, avoiding frustrations and bad consequences that could put your mental stability in danger.
Warnings and predictions will be part of the daily information you'll have in dream messages especially when you'll attain an advanced level of dream interpretation and analysis.
You'll have information about what is happening to people who live far away or about people you hardly know.
You'll learn many important details about the personality and the life of the person you love, understanding who they really are, and how to have a perfect relationship with them.
You'll also have information about your physical health, your family members, your friends, your business, and everything else that is important for you.
This means that if you want to seriously succeed in life, avoiding all mental illnesses and all the deceptions that are threatening your happiness, you must learn the symbolic dream language without delay.
Dream interpretation will give you many guarantees. You will never be betrayed or mislead by anyone, and you will never lose control, for any reason.
The knowledge given to you by the wise unconscious mind is not like the dubious information you acquire from reading newspapers, nor it is like the suppositions and theories you read in books written by ignorant human beings.
The information and the guidance you receive in dream messages is always true. Dream guidance really helps you in many ways. It also shows you how to discover a lot more.
After learning the basics, you will have advanced lessons that will give you more information about many other things that you currently ignore. You never stop learning and evolving as you keep translating the meaning of dreams.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).
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