Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dream Analysis - The Truth About the Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Dreams

The Truth About the Meaning of Life and the Meaning of Dreams

Even though the meaning of dreams has been trivialized by many people and is still doubted today, the truth is that our dreams contain very important messages sent by the unconscious mind. The psychiatrist Carl Jung discovered the only method of dream interpretation that accurately translates the messages of the unconscious mind without distorting them.
However, his work is too complicated and quite vague in many areas.
I was a young literature writer depressed and neurotic when I started looking for help by reading many books from many different psychologists. I cared about the meaning of dreams because I had seen many strange and vivid dreams that had impressed me very much.
I could understand the dream language much better than Jung, discovering the meaning of many dream symbols that he didn't explain. The unconscious mind then indicated to me that I should continue the research he had abandoned.
I discovered that there is too much craziness in the biggest part of the human psyche. The primitive and wild side of our conscience occupies the biggest part of our brain.
By following the unconscious guidance I was cured from a serious neurosis that could easily be turned into schizophrenia. Then I helped many other people through dream therapy for 19 years. This practice helped me very clearly understand not only the meaning of dreams, but also the meaning of life.
The truth is that we have to indispensably transform the wild, violent and immoral side of our wild conscience into a positive part of our human side.
Here is a list with my basic conclusions:
- Everyone will have a life where the situations and the people around them will provoke them into making the mistakes that their psychological type usually makes. In order to be saved from craziness, they have to avoid making these mistakes.
- Everyone pays for the mistakes they make sometime in the future. Some sinners will suffer very much because of their barbarous sins only many years later. This means that whether now or later, we all pay for our sins.
- Each time that someone is in the position of a victim, this happens because they are evil. In other words, the wild side of their conscience is too strong in their psyche. While they are living in the position of victim, they seem to be good and kind. However, if they find their freedom somehow, their wickedness becomes visible.
- Almost nobody escapes from the sad destiny traced by their psychological type, because they don't resist the various temptations of life, and they don't respect other human beings.
If you want to avoid falling in the same traps, you must learn how to translate the meaning of your dreams and precisely follow the unconscious guidance like I have done.
I didn't fall into the worst trap of destiny because I completely obeyed the unconscious mind, even against my will. I understood that I was ignorant and absurd, while the unconscious mind was the voice of divine providence.
I knew that I would always be nervous and unsatisfied like my father, who was schizophrenic; I would be hated by everyone like him, and I would never find peace if I did not change my life and follow the wisdom of the unconscious mind.
However, because I followed the unconscious wisdom, I said "no" to the most appealing temptation of my life, I respected everyone around me, and I purified my spirit by curing many desperate people entirely free of charge.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at: http://www.scientificdreaminterpretation.com
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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