Monday, August 2, 2010

Dream Analysis - Dream Interpretation and the Trip to the Self

Carl Jung's Psychology - Dream Interpretation and the Trip to the Self

Carl Jung could discover the mysterious meaning of dreams and the wisdom of the unconscious mind that produces them.
He noticed that many people had dreams with similar themes and images, which indicated that they were making the trip to the Self. This trip represents the psychological movement of the human conscience.
By interpreting the meaning of personal dreams, the human being starts discovering that there is an unknown region in his or her psyche. This individual starts looking for the meaning of life, trying to find answers to all questions.
The Self is the wise unconscious mind. The trip to the self is a process of psychical transformation. The dreamer's personality is transformed while he or she acquires comprehension of the unconscious wisdom thanks to the translation of the dream messages.
The meaning of all dreams is very important. You must study the dream language without delay, especially now that it was completely explained, thanks to my continuation of Jung's research.
You'll realize that the process of transformation when you pass through dream therapy will save your life. You will stop making silly mistakes and doing what will bring you bad consequences. You will learn to do only what will certainly be good for you, for your family, and for your community.
Your personality becomes mature and unique. The unconscious wisdom becomes your own wisdom once you pass through a process of evolution. You are not a passive student, but an active hero who discovers the true meaning of life.
After completely developing your intelligence and acquiring complete consciousness, you are able to give your own wise answers to the world.
The trip to the Self relieves your pain and eliminates your doubts.
My first trip to the Self happened through my own literary work; just like many other writers whose writing was inspired by the unconscious mind.
After suffering a tragic car accident at the age of 15, I started writing a strange romance that worked like psychotherapy for me. At the same time it gave me the key necessary for the comprehension of the symbolic dream language. My heroes were all archetypes.
Archetypes are symbols familiar to all civilizations and historical times, which appear in dreams and in artistic and religious manifestations.
My second trip to the Self, through dream interpretation, completed the first one through literature.
I could not find peace and happiness in the end of my romance, and I had to accept waiting for the future. However, in the end of my second trip to the Self through dream interpretation, I found all the solutions I needed.
You can simply follow my steps and learn how to completely develop your intelligence, without delaying as much as Jung's students. I simplified his method of dream interpretation transforming it into a simple method of dream translation from images into words. It is a system that everyone easily learns.
Make your own trip to the Self starting today. You only have to pay attention to the meaning of your dreams, and keep a dream journal.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
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Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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